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我們將在10/23台北Access MBA教育展中與您相見!
The MBA: 讓你選擇MBA的5個原因
為什麼Access MBA教育展能助你走得更遠?
1. 就讀MBA課程是對自己的個人承諾
2. 與學校招生代表來一場正式的對話
3. 關鍵性的20分鐘
在Access MBA教育展一對一面談的會場,每位職場精英會根據他們的偏好及經歷與不同的商學院校代表進行20分鐘的認識交流。此外,在這20分鐘的面談過程,MBA候選人和學校代表可以取得對彼此更深入的認識,建立聯繫,互相留下美好及深刻的印象。
4. 獲得申請優勢
10月23號 Access MBA 教育展台北場邀請到全球排名最高、最有競爭力的商學院,透過一對一面談的機會,候選人們可以搶先展現他們的特質及口才來增加收到錄取offer的機會。
5. 實質的專業顧問建議
就讀MBA課程是一件人生中的大事,獲得專業的建議與指導是所有MBA候選人都期待的事情。Access MBA專業的團隊會在活動前、活動中及活動結束後提供免費的諮詢服務,包括MBA學校篩選、GMAT考試準備、出國資金籌備、申請技巧等,以確保每位參加者進行了最成功的教育投資。
ü 就讀MBA課程不僅可以讓您學習到無價的商業技能,更可以讓您結識各界成功的專業人士拓展人脈。
ü 調查指出,2017年許多亞洲、歐洲、美洲及拉丁美洲的公司聘請MBA畢業生的比例明顯增加。今年2017年美國企業提供MBA畢業生的起薪為110,000美金,高於2016年的105,000美金。(GMAC, 企業招聘人員調查報告, 2017)
ü 商學院合作的企業中,百分之八十六的企業招聘人員表示有計畫雇用MBA應屆畢業生 (GMAC, 企業招聘人員調查報告,2017)
ü 儘管面對移民法、工作簽證申請等政治不確定性,亞洲、歐洲、拉丁美洲及美國的企業主還是有意聘請有國際經驗的海外商校畢業生。(GMAC, 企業招聘人員調查報告,2017)
日期: 2018日10月23號
地點: 台北香格里拉遠東飯店
時間: 16:30 – 21:30
活動免費參加,請上Access MBA官網https://www.accessmba.com/link/Bc6 進行報名。請在活動開始前10天完成報名,將會有專員為您審核及安排與商學院代表面談。感謝您的參與。
The MBA: 5 Reasons Why You Should Take It Personally
Top international business schools meet executive talent through One-to-One meetings in Taipei on October 23rd.
Over the past years the Master of Business Administration (MBA) has become a highly valued degree not only in business-related fields, but in areas as diverse as sports management and aviation. And rightfully so – it can be an asset for professionals who wish to give their managerial career a boost as well as for those who are looking to switch to a different field.
Even with increased opportunities for studying in all corners of the world, competition is not to be disregarded. Top MBA programmes are looking for ambitious and well-prepared candidates to build a diverse student body and strong alumni network. Applicants need to be ready to invest time and effort into the application process from start to finish.
Here is why a personal touch can go a long way.
1. The MBA is a personal commitment
Deciding to do an MBA is a matter for career, lifestyle, and future development. The personality and approach of a school are important factors for MBA candidates to consider. How different MBA programmes match one’s expectations is easily discernible by speaking with their representatives in person.
2. Business meetings with business schools
Determined MBA applicants take the opportunity to talk business with MBA representatives one-on-one. They find out which business schools will enable them to reach their personal and professional goals. MBA meetings also allow applicants to receive feedback on how competitive it is to get admitted to the school.
3. 20 constructive minutes
Access MBA’s One-to-One event enables professionals to meet the representatives of schools that were carefully selected to correspond to their professional background and expectations. Thus, the school and the MBA candidate are already familiar with one another and each 20-minute meeting is spent discussing the topics that matter the most.
4. Gain an admissions advantage
One-to-One MBA event participants get a sneak preview of their chances for admission by asking the right questions and putting forward their best presentation skills.
5. Real-time professional guidance
Getting an MBA degree is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and MBA applicants appreciate expert advice. Before, after and in-between the business school meetings, event visitors can receive free MBA consulting on any aspect of MBA selection, GMAT preparation, funding options, and MBA application strategies to help guarantee a successful business education investment.
Why consider an MBA?
● Studying for an MBA can help you not only learn valuable business skills, but also network with knowledgeable and successful professionals in the industry.
● A greater percentage of companies in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the United States plan to hire MBA graduates in 2017 compared to those who did so in 2016. US-based companies plan to offer recent MBA graduates a starting median base salary of USD 110,000 in 2017, up from USD 105,000 in 2016. (GMAC, Corporate Recruiters Survey Report, 2017)
● Eighty-six percent of surveyed corporate recruiters who work directly with participating graduate business schools plan to hire recent MBA graduates in 2017. (GMAC, Corporate Recruiters Survey Report, 2017)
● Despite political uncertainty about the status of immigration and work visa programmes, companies in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and the US are staying the course with plans to hire international graduate business candidates. (GMAC, Corporate Recruiters Survey Report, 2017)
Meet top business schools’ admissions directors in person
<Date> October 23rd, 2018
<Venue> Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel
<Time> 16:30 to 21:30
Registration: Online registration is free of charge on https://www.accessmba.com/link/Bc7 . By registering at least 10 days before the MBA event, event participants will receive a profile evaluation and a personalised consultation to identify the most suitable business schools at the event.
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