生成式人工智慧工具徹底改變了內容創作,使流程更快速有效。然而,人工智慧生成的文本往往缺乏人類書寫的細膩觸感,容易讓內容顯得機械化、生硬或缺乏人情味。本文將探討如何透過各種策略,為人工智慧生成的文本注入自然的人性化元素,也就是去 AI 化。我們將從了解人性化人工智慧文本的重要性開始,接著深入探討具體的實用技術,幫助你使人工智慧創作的內容更具人性化。
本文提供了各種技巧,從簡單的編輯和變換句子結構,到運用情感語言和文化參照,幫助改造人工智慧生成的內容。我們也將探討增強特定文件類型的技巧,以及進階技術如故事敘述和幽默運用。不論你是在撰寫商業文件或學術論文,本文將協助作者讓 AI 生成的內容更具人性化、吸引力和相關性。
人性化的人工智慧文字對於創造能引起讀者共鳴的內容至關重要。雖然人工智慧幾乎可以立即生成文本,但它往往缺乏人類作家可以描繪的情感深度和個人風格。這可能會導致內容顯得乏味且缺乏吸引力。此外,人工智慧編寫的文字可以透過一些最好的 AI 文章檢測器來識別,這些偵測器可以區分人類編寫的文字和人工智慧工具編寫的文字。
想創造出能引起讀者共鳴的內容,AI 文字適當的人性化非常重要。雖然 AI 能迅速生成文本,但通常缺乏人類作家所展現的情感深度和個人風格,導致內容可能顯得平淡無趣。此外,一些優秀的 AI 偵測器還能辨別出 AI 生成的文字,進一步凸顯了這一挑戰。
將 AI 生成的文本轉化成人類撰寫的語氣,可以提升內容的相關性和效果,進而更有效地與受眾建立聯繫。這對於行銷、客戶服務等面向客戶的內容尤其重要,因為與讀者建立真實的連結至關重要。此外,在撰寫研究報告、論文或其他學術文件時,也需讓文本更具人性化,因為學術機構通常禁止使用 AI 工具進行寫作。總體來說,人性化的 AI 文字能提高讀者信任感、促進互動,並為各類寫作帶來更好的效果。
結合以下技巧,可讓 AI 撰寫的重要文件更具人性化。某些方法可能適合特定類型的寫作,但綜合運用多種技術將確保內容聽起來更加自然。
要讓 AI 生成的文字更具人性化,可以採用較具對話性的語言和語氣,並加入個人故事與經歷,增添真實感與個人風格。 例如,若 AI 生成的文字是「The company's revenue increased by 20% last year」,可以加入人稱代名詞和定性形容詞: 「Last year, we saw our revenue grow by an impressive 20%, which was a huge milestone for us.」
透過情境調整讓 AI 文字更具人性化
如果文字僅簡單地說「It is important to exercise regularly.」,可以改成「For those of us working long hours at a desk, fitting in regular exercise is crucial to staying healthy.」這樣的調整不僅傳達了必要的訊息,還與讀者的日常生活相連結,使建議更具相關性和影響力。
使用縮寫可以讓文字聽起來更自然。例如,將「do not」改成「don't」,「will not」改成「won't」。除非必要,否則應避免使用過於正式或專業的術語。例如,將「utilize」簡化為「use」,將「assistance」改為「help」。透過這些語法調整,你可以顯著提升人工智慧生成內容的相關性和可讀性,讓文本聽起來更具人性化。
融入日常語言中常見的同義詞和表達方式,能使文本聽起來更自然。使用縮寫來創造對話的語氣,例如「can't」代替「cannot」,「you'll」代替「you will」。這樣的調整使得內容更加親切和相關。
人工智慧生成的文本往往因句子結構過於單調而顯得「不人性化(inhuman)」。為了讓 AI 產生的文字更具人情味,你可以通過混合使用短句和長句來調整句子結構。這樣可以創造出更自然的節奏,並保持讀者的興趣。例如,不要僅僅使用長句子,而是將它們與短句結合起來: 「The project was challenging. We overcame obstacles through teamwork and determination.」。
使用主動語態代替被動語態,可以讓句子更直接、更具吸引力。例如,可以將「Mistakes were made by the team」改為「The team made mistakes」。同樣,將「The proposal was approved by the committee」改為「The committee approved the proposal」。這些改動能使文字更加清晰、生動,並增強其人性化特質。
將人工智慧生成的內容去 AI 化的其他方法
用情感語言讓賦予 AI 生成文本情感
要讓人工智慧生成的文字更具人性化,注入情感語言和個人風格是關鍵。加入情感和觀點能把枯燥的事實轉化為引人入勝且更具相關性的內容。例如,你可以說「We were ecstatic about the incredible success of our product launch.」,而不是僅僅寫「The product launch was successful.」。
納入個人觀點也能讓內容更具人性化。例如,將「The book received positive reviews.」改為「Readers loved the book, praising its compelling narrative and vivid characters.」。
為了進一步使人工智慧生成的文本更具人性化,可以加入感官細節和個人反思。比如,不要僅僅說「The event was well-attended.」,而是改為「We were delighted to see a full house, with guests buzzing with excitement throughout the event.」。 這些策略能為人工智慧生成的內容增添深度與個性,使其在個人層面上更能引起讀者的共鳴。
利用文化背景使 AI 文本更具人情味
融入文化背景、慣用語和俚語可以讓人工智慧生成的文本更具溫度和個人化。使用讀者熟悉的語言,能夠更好地與他們建立連結。例如,AI 工具可能會寫出「The project is difficult」,但可以使用慣用語來增添色彩,像是「The project is no walk in the park.」。
還有將「The deadline is approaching」這類稍顯生硬的表達,改為「The clock is ticking on our deadline」。這樣能為你的寫作增添緊迫感和親切 感。
各類型 AI 生成文件如何更具人性化?
以下將說明如何讓 AI 生成的文字在兩種不同類型的文件中變得更加人性化:學術論文和留學申請文件。
AI 撰寫的學術論文段落
The Weimar Republic was in Germany after World War I and was known for its culture and art. Even though there were political and economic problems, art culture grew a lot. This time was important for modern art because new movements started. Artists and intellectuals tried new things and did not follow old ways. This led to styles like Expressionism and Bauhaus. Berlin was a place where many artists, writers, and musicians came together. They created a lot, even though the times were hard. Art during this time was not just about creating but also commenting on politics and society. It showed the changes and challenges after the war.
經過去 AI 化的學術論文段落:更自然且人性化
The Weimar Republic was the German national government that formed following World War I. It represented a time of historic dynamism and cultural creativity. Although the period was economically and politically turbulent, artistic movements flourished, birthing innovations that permanently changed the course of modern art. Both intellectuals and artists experimented in many ways and interrogated social norms of traditional Germany, resulting in the groundbreaking Expressionism and Bauhaus styles. Berlin was an especially lively hub for these avant-garde writers, artists, thinkers, and musicians, and a spirit of creative and defiant flame was sparked in sharp relief to the turbulent times. This “cultural renaissance” could be identified by its nonconformity to conventions and the desire of its purveyors to explore the nuances of modern life. The art captured the chaotic-yet-hopeful zeitgeist of the Weimar Republic. Art became a means of political and social commentary, underlying the difficulties and optimism of post-war Europe.
- 使用更自然的片語和慣用語:經過專家修改後的段落使用了「giving birth to innovative movements」和「spirit of creativity」等片語,這些片語比起基本段落中的簡單描述,更加生動且富有表現力。
- 使用更多情感語言:修改後的段落中,像是「remarkable cultural dynamism」和「bold defiance of conventions」這類詞語,比起基本段落中的直接陳述,能更強烈地傳達情感衝擊。
- 句子長度和結構各不相同:修改後的段落透過調整句子長度和結構,創造出更具吸引力的節奏,而基本段落則大多使用簡短的句子。
- 加入縮寫:修改後的段落中,像「wasn't just a form of expression」這樣的縮寫,模仿自然語音,增強可讀性並讓語氣更具對話性。
- 同義詞和表達方式的應用:如「flourished」和「fostering」等同義詞取代了基本段落中的重複詞彙,豐富了文本內容並避免了單調。
留學申請 Essay(Common App Essay)範例
AI 撰寫的留學申請 Essay 段落
Growing up in a small town, I always found solace in the pages of books. Stories became my escape, offering endless worlds to explore and characters to meet. It was during a summer of volunteering at my local library that I realized the profound impact literature could have on a community. Watching children light up with curiosity and imagination as they discovered new stories inspired me to pursue a career in education. I want to create a classroom environment where students feel the same excitement and wonder about learning that I felt. My passion for teaching is fueled by a desire to empower young minds, encouraging them to ask questions and embrace creativity. I believe education is the key to unlocking potential and that, as a teacher, I can inspire the next generation to dream big and aim high.
經過去 AI 化的留學申請 Essay:更自然且人性化
When I was growing up in my smal town, I absolutely adored reading novels. Reading was a way for me to escape to new fantastic worlds. While volunteering at my local library in summers, I came to understand just how crucial books are to enriching someone’s life. I watched young children’s eye light up while reading short stories. These experiences were the catalyst that made me want to become a teacher. Now that I am pursuing education, my goal is to make my classroom into a place where students are excited about learning. My goal is to help students think deeper about ideas and to express their creativity in their own ways. I believe education is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to reach their goals. When I finally achieve my education degree, acquire my license, and become a teacher, my primary mission will be to help students dream and achieve their own goals through reading.
- 加入更自然的片語與慣用語:經過專家修改後的段落中使用了「find solace in the pages of books」和「unlocking potential,」等慣用表達,與人工智慧生成的簡單陳述相比,這些表達更生動、更引人注目。
- 使用情感語言:像是「stories became my escape」和「lit up with curiosity and imagination」這類情感語言,傳達了更強烈的情感聯繫與激情。
- 句子長度與結構的變化:修改後的段落混合使用長句與短句,創造出更動態、更引人入勝的節奏。相較之下,基本段落的句子結構較為單一。
- 引入縮寫:在修改過的段落中,使用「can't」和「it's」等縮寫,讓語氣更具對話性和相關性。
- 同義詞和表達的應用:修改後的段落使用了同義詞與更具表達性的語言,如將「profound impact」取代「profound impact」,以豐富敘述並傳達更深層次的意涵。
延伸閱讀更多有關撰寫大學申請 Essay 的寫作技巧,包括 Common App Essays撰寫重點、Common App Essay 題目和精選範文、個人陳述範例及留學申請Essay英文編修服務。
提交文件前,使用 AI 文法檢查工具
恭喜你,完成這一步!現在,你已經掌握了許多方法,能讓 AI 生成的內容看起來更自然、更具人性化。當然,最可靠的方式還是親自撰寫所有文本,而非依賴人工智慧工具。但若你選擇使用人工智慧工具來起草文件,務必仔細修改,並運用本文所提及的方法,這樣一定能讓文字更加貼近人性。
建議在提交任何重要文件之前,透過線上文法檢查器來檢查你的工作,確保沒有語法錯誤。如果需要進一步的 AI 修訂,還可以使用 Wordvice AI 線上寫作助手,這套工具包含 AI 線上翻譯網站、AI 文章改寫工具、AI 文章摘要產生器、錯字檢查器、AI 抄襲檢查器、AI 文章檢測器等功能!
祝你寫作順利!但請記得,務必以負責任且符合道德的方式使用 AI 寫作工具。