- 錯誤
- The cat lies the box.
- 例句
- The cat lies in the box.
The cat lies on the box.
The cat lies by the box.
In vs. At
- 錯誤
- She is at London right now.
She is in a bookstore on Vanderbilt Ave.
- 正確
- She is in London right now.
She is at a bookstore on Vanderbilt Ave.
「London」和「a bookstore on Vanderbilt Ave」都是地點,但「in」適用於前者,而「at」適用於後者。這是因為「in」和「at」在確切程度方面有所不同。就整個城市而言,「London」範圍更廣,而「a bookstore on Vanderbilt Ave」則是一個確切而具體的位置。這種用法邏輯同樣適用於時間。
- 錯誤
- At the afternoon, he will go to the post office.
There is a meeting in 3 pm.
- 正確
- In the afternoon, he will go to the post office.
There is a meeting at 3 pm.
「in」用於對時間進行比較寬泛的指示。「the afternoon」是一個寬泛的、非特定的時間。然而,下午3點則是精確的時間,所以用「at」比較合適。
In vs. On
- 錯誤
- They are currently staying on Virginia.
Can you meet me in Vanderbilt Ave?
- 正確
- They are currently staying in Virginia.
Can you meet me on Vanderbilt Ave?
- 例句
- She is at a bookstore on Vanderbilt Ave, which is a street in NYC.
- 錯誤
- Many bands that debuted on the 90s are still active today.
Can we meet in the 25th of next month?
- 正確
- Many bands that debuted in the 90s are still active today.
Can we meet on the 25th of next month?
In vs. Of
- 錯誤
- The One World Trade Center is the tallest building of the U.S
- 正確
- The One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the U.S.
In vs. To
- 錯誤
- We are travelling in Moscow next week.
We will be to Moscow next week.
- 正確
- We are travelling to Moscow next week.
We will be in Moscow next week.
To vs. With
- 例句
- He is married to the tall woman standing by the piano.
They are speaking with each other.
- 錯誤
- He works to her.
- 正確
- He works with her.
- 例句
- She is travelling to him.
She is travelling with him.
To vs. Of
- 錯誤
- The teacher opened page 82 of the textbook.
- 正確
- The teacher opened the textbook to page 82.
Of vs. Have
「of」和「have」經常被混淆,因為它們的發音相似。很多以英文為母語的人在說「have」這個單字的時候會發音含糊不清,使得「have」聽起來像「of」。例如,「would have」→「woulda」,「should have」→「shoulda」。
- 錯誤
- He should of applied to more universities.
- 正確
- He should have applied to more universities.
From vs. For
- 例句
- She has been learning English for 5 years.
He will be in the office from 8 am tomorrow.
- 錯誤
- They have been studying from 8 hours.
- 正確
- They have been studying for 8 hours.
From vs. Since
- 例句
- She worked at her previous company from 2010 to 2019.
He has been working at the company since 2008.
- 錯誤
- She has been working from 7 am today.
The library is open since 10 am on weekends.
- 正確
- She has been working since 7 am today.
The library is open from 10 am on weekends.
用 Wordvice AI 改正英文介系詞錯誤
儘管弄錯介系詞很常見,但通過使用專業英文編修或使用 Wordvice AI 英文文法檢查工具等自動英文檢查工具,即可輕易修正它們。在人工智慧和大型語言模型(LLM)的支持下,AI Proofreader 可以立即識別並糾正語法、標點符號、結構,甚至風格和流程中的錯誤。
讓我們一起看看以下的介系詞錯誤範例,了解 AI Proofreader 在選擇「Light」輕量編輯模式時如何修改。 有發現哪裡有問題嗎?
這個句子中的「to」一字不正確,被 AI Proofreader 改成「with」。
再讓我們看一個研究寫作中稍微複雜一點關於介系詞的錯誤例子。 編輯模式設置為「Academic」(學術),以更準確地捕捉這個學術句子的細微差別和背景。 有兩種方法可以修復這句話中的介系詞錯誤,讓我們看看 AI Proofreader 是如何修改的。
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