
reduce word count - editing tips - avoid nominalizations




Tip # 2:  消滅 “Of” (改寫介系詞片語)


  1. The blood pressure of the mice was elevated.
  2. The elephant teetered along the edge of the cliff.
  3. The focus of this project was to study the effects of increased global temperatures on local fish hatcheries.


  1. The blood pressure of the mice was elevated. [8 words]
  2. The elephant teetered along the edge of the cliff. [9 words]
  3. The focus of this project was to study the effects of increased global temperatures on local fish hatcheries. [19 words]


  1. The mice’s blood pressure was elevated. [6 words]
  2. The elephant teetered along the cliff’s edge. [7 words]
  3. This project examined how increased global temperatures affect local fish hatcheries. [11 words]




  1. 改成所有格: 許多高度相關的情況下,例如兩個名詞之間的所有權,就可以刪掉中間的介系詞。例如,句子中有「Noun1 of Noun 2」或「Location1 in Location2」,直接將第二個名詞往前移併加上「’」 變成Noun1’s Noun2。
    • The approval of the Food and Drug Administration was received yesterday. → The Food and Drug Administration’s approval was received yesterday.
    • The studies were conducted at Max Laboratories in Chicago. → The studies were conducted at Chicago’s Max Laboratories.
  2. 改成主動語態:當被動語態的句子後面跟著「by」的時候 (Noun1 was/were + past participle + by + Noun2),把by後面的名詞改成句子主詞寫成主動語態。
    • The approval of the plan was given by the committee. →  The committee approved the plan yesterday.
  3. 替換副詞形式: 某些介係詞片語可以改的更為堅定,例如:由「with」開頭的片語。
    • The seller agreed with reluctance. →  The seller reluctantly agreed.
    • He spoke with hesitation when he accepted the deal. → He spoke hesitantly as he accepted the deal.
    • By chance, I finished work on time. →  Fortuitously, I finished work on time.
  4. 改成更精準的動詞: 有些介係詞片語可以用更有力、精準的動詞替換掉。可多加注意動詞使用「get」和「make」。
    • He got to the finish line. → He reached the finish line.
    • Increased benefits can make up for long working hours. →  Increased benefits can offset long working hours.
  5. 避免動詞名詞形 (請參考縮減字數:避免動詞名詞形)
  6. 檢視該片語的重要性:有些介系詞片語在句中並沒有任何作用或價值,建議直接刪掉。
    • In our current situation, we should decline the offer. → We should decline the offer.
  7. 嘗試wh-子句: 動詞跟「說」(例:ask, say, admit, argue, reply, agree, mention, explain, suggest, etc.) 或「心理狀態」像是 thinking、studying和deciding (例: know, understand, suppose, remember, forget, wonder, study, examine, decide, etc.)有關的,建議大膽嘗試wh-子句來寫出有力簡潔的句子。
    • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of solar radiation on bioluminescence. →  This study examined how solar radiation affects bioluminescence.
    • Our mission was to conduct an investigation into the relationship between sunlight and plant growth. → We investigated how sunlight affects plant growth.



  1. The house of my mother sat on a big hill.
  2. The licensing of the software will be completed next week.
  3. The variables changed with little difference.
  4. The aim of our research was to assess the correlation between variable A and DNA replication rates.
  5. This paper was written to explore the way in which extra recess time and the test performance of students are related.
  6. To get back to you, we are looking back on what was done to figure out what we can do moving forward. [This one’s hard. How short can you make this one?]



  1. My mother’s house sat on a big hill.
  2. The software licensing will be completed next week.
  3. The variables hardly changed.
  4. Our research aimed to assess how variable A affects DNA replication rates.
  5. This paper explores how extra recess time affects students’ test performance.
  6. We are examining the past to determine how we should proceed.


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