


Accept vs. Except



Advice vs. Advise



Affect vs. Effect



Among vs. Between



Assure vs. Ensure vs. Insure



Bare vs. Bear



Climatic vs. Climactic



Complement vs. Compliment



Disinterested vs. Uninterested



Economic vs. Economical



Elicit vs. Illicit



Farther vs. Further



Historic vs. Historical



Imply vs. Infer



It’s vs. Its



Lay vs. Lie



Principal vs. Principle



Stationary vs. Stationery



Than vs. Then



Their vs. There vs. They’re


Accept vs. Except Accept (v): to consent or receive Except (v): to not include; (prep.) not include When we truly accept ourselves, we may even love our silly side with no exceptions! Advise vs. Advice Advise (v): to recommend or suggest an action plan Advice (n): recommendation or suggestion about a future action The greatest advice I received was from a teacher who advised me to always consider my options before deciding. Affect vs. Effect Affect (v): to impact Effect (n): a result; Effect (v): to bring about a certain result When we litter, we affect our planet’s health, causing an unwanted effect: pollution and global warming. Among vs. Between Among (prep): in the company of two or more (emphasis on distributive nature of something) Between (prep): shared by two or more people or things (emphasis on one-to-one/ individual relationship) Among the many flowers of the meadow, a pair of daisies shared the sun's warmth between them. Assure vs. Ensure vs. Insure Assure (v): to tell someone something positive to erase doubt Ensure (v): to make sure that something will happen; Insure (v): to arrange for compensation in the event damage occurs Can you assure me that the store was well insured? Yes, and I will ensure that our company will process your claim.


Bare vs. Bear Bare (v): to uncover or expose Bear (v): to carry or support A bear might bare its teeth or simply bear its young while climbing up a tree. Climatic vs. Climactic Climatic (adj): relating to the climate or weather Climactic (adj): exciting or acting as the climax of a series of events Monkeys escaping a climatic event like a hurricane approaching a rainforest might lead be a climactic situation! Complement vs. Compliment Complement (v): to complete and make perfect or complete; (n) the thing that makes something else complete or perfect Compliment (n): a phrase of praise or admiration (v): to praise someone or say a statement of admiration Saying, “You complement me,” might earn you a hearty thanks for the compliment. Disinterested vs. Uninterested Disinterested (adj): neutral; impartial; not influenced to take sides Uninterested (adj): to have no interest in something It would be good to have a judge who was disinterested, but an uninterested judge wouldn't even listen to the facts! Economic vs. Economical Economic (adj): relating to economics Economical (adj): a good bargain; good value compared to the money spent Using economical products like energy-saving light bulbs will help ensure our company’s economic stability. Elicit vs. Illicit Elicit (v): to draw out a response from someone Illicit (adj): illegal, forbidden Trying to elicit private information like social security numbers by phone is an illicit activity! Farther vs. Further Farther (adv): at a greater distance (physically); (adj) more distant Further (adv) at a greater length (more common for non-physical distance); (adj) additional (e.g., "no further concern") The farther you travel, the further your mind will expand. Historic vs. Historical Historic (adj): famous or potentially important in history Historical (adj): relating to past events or history A historic event is famous, and it could be held at a historical site. Imply vs. Infer Imply (v): to strongly suggest the truth or existence of something (facts imply) Infer (v): to conclude based on evidence (people infer) The facts imply that we’re missing something. I can only infer that we need to dig a bit deeper into the matter. It's vs. Its It's (contraction): it is Its (pronoun): possessive form of it; belonging to it It's common belief that if a groundhog sees its shadow, we'll have another six weeks of winter! Lay vs. Lie Lay (v): to put down; to put in position for use Lie (v): to be in a horizontal resting position [**CAUTION: past tense is "lay"; do not confuse with present tense "lay"] While I lay out the baby clothes, the puppy lies down to sleep. Principal vs. Principle and Principal (adj): main; most important; Principal (n): head of a secondary school; money invested Principle (n): the basic truth or foundation upon which other ideas are based The principal reason for supporting your strategy is because of its underlying principle of teamwork. Stationary vs. Stationery Stationary (adj): not moving Stationery (n): writing paper My poor cat remained stationary while I wrote a letter on my new stationery. Than vs. Then Than (conjunction/preposition): an element used for comparison Then (adv): at that time Travel is faster now than it was back then. Their/There/They're Their (pronoun): possessive form of they There (adv): in or at that place They're (contraction): they are They're happy that their masters haven't found them hiding over there...

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